Heart Check:
Getting Practical Nutrition Data to the Public
I was recently in Canada on a business trip for my "day job". During a free moment I visited a supermarket to look for interesting food items. As it turns out, food items for a LS/LF diet in Canada are rather similar to those in the US and low salt bread is just as hard to find as in the US. (In Australia it is much more available.)

"The Health Check TM program is run on a non-profit, cost-recovery basis and remains financially independent from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and the Federal Government. The costs related to product and packaging review, testing, program administration, promotion, consumer education and product evaluation are recovered through modest fees collected from participating companies. Any surplus funds will be used for nutrition education and the promotion of healthy eating for Canadians."And the fees paid by manufacturers are clearly stated. The AHA's comparable information is cryptic at best.
So what do the 2 marks really mean? AHA's Heart Check label comes in 2 flavors:
Seafood, game meat, meat and poultry must meet the standards for "extra lean." |
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005 recommends <2300 mg of sodium per day for the general public and <1500 mg of sodium/day for individuals with hypertension, blacks, and middle-aged and older adults. Clearly "Heart Check" is paying scant attention to the dietary salt issues of Americans.
Note that the general population should eat fewer than 5 servings of "Heart Check" products to meet salt guidelines and the others should eat 3 or fewer servings. The comparable Canadian "Health Check" criteria has dozens of categories for different types of food. While the current limit is generally the same 480 mg of sodium as AHA, the Canadians have announced new limits being phased in in the next 2 years that are generally 240 mg of sodium/serving - although higher and lower for a few products. But in virtually all cases they are less than the AHA 480 mg of sodium goal. Why can Canadian industry meet these goals but US industry can't?

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